I was already awake when my alarm went off, my head spinning with excitement. For most of my peers, it was just a Friday in late September, with the anticipation of the start of the school year long since replaced by the dull routines of homework and after-school jobs. But for me, this was a day like no other, a day I'd been eagerly anticipating for months: my eighteenth birthday!
I didn't feel any more grown up than the day before, but by many standards, I was now an adult. I sprung out of bed and over to the full-length mirror on my closet door to see if I looked any more mature, any more responsible. Nope, I laughed to myself. Same Kylie as yesterday! High school senior, honor student, captain of the cheerleading squad.
I had just finished getting dressed when the two-way radio on my nightstand buzzed. There was only one person it could be. Jonathan lived next door, and we'd been buddies for as long as I could remember. Our parents had gotten us the walkie-talkies years ago, so that we would stop hollering out our bedroom windows at each other whenever we had something to say. He was a year older than me, and taking this year to work before going off to college.
“Good morning, Jonathan,” I spoke into the radio, then waited to hear his reply.
“Happy Birthday, Kylie! Can I come over? I have a present for you!”
“Aww, you’re too sweet! Sure, come on over!”
No more than a minute later, Jonathan knocked on my bedroom door, and I told him to let himself in. My hands were full putting my long blonde hair up into a ponytail, which I tied with a blue ribbon.
“Wow, Kylie, you look amazing in that uniform!” I always wore my cheerleading uniform to school on game days. He tossed a small wrapped gift onto the bed.
“That’s the Bulldog alum talking, you’ll never get the school colors out of your system!” I playfully spun around for him, giving him the full view of my cheerleader skirt and sweater, blue with white and gold trim.
“No, really, Kylie, you are sensational.”
“What do you mean?” He had never talked to me like this before.
“I mean, silly, that you have a great body. Your tits look amazing in that sweater, and I can’t take my eyes off your tight ass and gorgeous legs.”
“Wow, um, Jonathan, I don’t know what to say!” Not only had Jonathan never said anything like this to me before, but nobody else had either. Tits and ass?
“No need to say anything, why don’t you just come over here.”
I took a few steps towards him, and once I was close enough, he wrapped his arm around my waist and swiftly pulled me close. As soon as I looked up into his eyes, his lips found mine. Oh my god, was this going to be my first kiss? With Jonathan? I felt weak in the knees. His hands now pushed their way inside my sweater, and I moaned at the new sensation as his fingers squeezed my breasts.
Without knowing what I was doing, I wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders, pulling him closer, and I could feel a bulge growing in his pants, pressing against me. Surprised, I dropped my hands and pulled away from him slightly. I was very nervous, but also very curious, as I let one hand come to rest on the front of his sweats, gently feeling the bulge, feeling it grow bigger and harder under my touch.
“Don’t be afraid of it, Kylie. That’s it, just move up and down against it.”
Fascinated, I pulled away from him even further and dropped to my knees in front of him, the bulge now directly in front of my face. I looked up at Jonathan for more direction, not sure what to do next. He smiled, and then brought his fingers to the waist of his sweats, pushing them down to his knees, and I was amazed at what I saw next. It was at least seven inches long, hard, and throbbing.
“Do you like my cock, Kylie? Do you want to touch it?”
I looked up at him, smiling, and said, “It’s so big!!”
He laughed, then sighed as I took it into my hands, moving back and forth as he had instructed earlier. After a few moments, he took one of my hands gently in his and led it to the base of his - what did he call it? - his cock, and showed me how to fondle the two balls that dangled there.
“That’s it, Kylie. Just like that. Do you want to suck it?”
I tore my eyes away from the object of my fascination and gave him what must have been a shocked look. Suck it? I had never imagined such a thing. But I had no reason not to trust Jonathan, not to do what he suggested, so I leaned in, tentatively at first and then with more confidence, and put his cock into my mouth.
At first I just held an inch or so in my mouth, but then, drawn in by the warmth of his skin, his wonderful scent, and the obvious pleasure my touch brought him, I let myself move back and forth with more enthusiasm, so that I was bobbing up and down on it, taking more of it into my mouth with each stroke. After a few minutes of this, I felt his body start to move more roughly, and at first I pulled away, but he urged me to keep going. “No, Kylie, don’t stop, please just keep doing exactly what you’re doing, it’s wonderful, trust me!”
“Ummmm hmmmm,” was all I could say in response, my mouth full of cock, his hands now clutching at my head and shoulders to control my movements. A few moments later, Jonathan jerked, let out a huge moan, and I felt something warm shoot into my throat. Pulling away quickly, more of the warmth hit my lips, and then my face, as I realized that the substance was coming out of the end of Jonathan’s cock.
Jonathan pulled up his sweats, then helped me to my feet, saying, “Well, Kylie, how did you enjoy giving your first blow job?”
“Is that what that’s called?”
He smiled, nodded, then added, “Looks like we’d better get you cleaned up before you go off to school.” He took me by the hand into the bathroom next to my room, and gently cleaned off my face with a moist towel. I managed to lick some of the warm, sticky liquid from my lips before he could remove it, and was surprised that I actually enjoyed the taste. Salty and tangy.
“Yum, it’s good! What is it?”
“Most guys call it cum, Kylie. And believe me, if you like the taste of it, you’ll be very popular.”
I gave him a quizzical look, not sure exactly what he meant, but before I could ask, he spoke again.
“You’d better go, Kylie. I don’t want you to be late for school! I hope you have a wonderful birthday! Oh, and your present is that CD I know you’ve been wanting.”
“Oh, cool - thanks, Jonathan! You’re a great friend.”
I ran out the door after giving him a quick hug and peck on the cheek, hollered to my parents that I’d see them later, jumped into my car, and started my drive, my head reeling as I went. I had never so much as held hands with a boy, and now I had given a blow job to my neighbor, one of my best buddies from childhood. I guess a lot had changed overnight, after all!
6:45 am
Lost in thought, I was almost all the way to school before remembering that I was supposed to make a stop on my way. The dad of one of the kids I babysat for had run out of cash to pay me the day before, so had asked me to come by on my way to school today so he could make it right. I pulled over, waited for traffic to pass, then made a u-turn to head back the other direction, towards Mr. Swift’s house. He was a really nice guy, but as a single dad, he often was scrambling to keep things in order, and it wasn’t the first time he hadn’t paid me on time.
“I hope I’m not too early, Mr. Swift? I have to be at school by 7:15, so...”
“No problem at all, Kylie. I have to leave for work soon myself, so your timing is great. Come on in, I’ll get you the money. Sorry again for not paying you on time!”
“Oh, that’s OK - it happens!”
He disappeared into the kitchen for a moment, then returned with two $20 bills, my pay for the past few weeks. I eagerly took the cash, and turned back towards the door to leave, but stopped when he spoke again.
“Kylie, if I may say so, you are absolutely beaming today. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you look so happy. Is it a special occasion?”
I turned, smiling, to answer him. “Yes, actually, today’s my eighteenth birthday!”
“Oh, wow, really!”
“Yes, I’m pretty excited.”
“So am...” he started to say something, but his voice dropped off.
“What’s that, Mr. Swift?”
“Oh, nothing. Can I just tell you, eighteen looks good on you. You look phenomenal in that uniform.”
I laughed, then said, “Funny, you’re the second person to tell me that this morning!”
“I’m not surprised, Kylie. You’re stunning.”
His eyes dropped from my face to my chest, and then to my waist. Without thinking, I took a step towards him. Also without thinking, I let my eyes fall to his crotch, curious if I would see the same bulge that I’d seen on Jonathan just an hour earlier. As soon as I did it, my cheeks flushed with embarrassment. I shouldn’t look at Mr. Swift that way!
“It’s OK, Kylie. Why don’t you come over here,” he said, reaching for my hand and leading me across the room to the sofa. “I just thought of a way to thank you for your patience over my late payment.”
He turned me around so that I was facing the sofa, then gently pushed me down so that my forearms came to rest against the sofa back. I couldn’t see what he was doing, but quickly felt his hands on my ass, rubbing me through my cheerleading skirt, then after a few more moments sliding underneath the skirt and firmly kneading my skin through just my white cotton panties.
Any thought I had of objecting quickly flew out of my head as I started to feel some completely new sensations. Wonderful new sensations. I went weak in the knees again, but not like before, because a cute guy was kissing me. This time it was because I was suddenly overwhelmed with a warmth and tingling between my legs. When Mr. Swift's fingers reached exactly the place where that warmth and tingling seemed to be coming from, I sighed and let my weight fall completely against the sofa.
His fingers now worked their way underneath my panties, so that they were directly against my skin, and I felt my hips begin to move against his touch, seeming to have a mind of their own, making the most of the feelings of pleasure which were slowly building inside of me. He now got down on one knee behind me, and I felt something new against my skin, a new moist and warm touch which I soon realized must be his tongue.
I had never imagined being kissed down there, and was amazed how my body was responding. As he licked and kissed and even nibbled this very sensitive skin, he started - slowly at first, then more aggressively - pressing his fingers inside of me. It was then that I started to move against him more forcefully, in response to a powerful heat which seemed to be building from inside of me. I felt muscles that I never knew I had begin to squeeze against his fingers, and felt a wetness ooze out of me and onto my inner thighs as I cried out in response to pleasure I'd never dreamed of.
So, that must be what Jonathan felt when I gave him the blow job. Wow. Totally amazing. I turned around, straightened up, and asked Mr. Swift, "Did I cum?"
"Oh, yeah, Kylie. Would you like to taste your cum?"
I was very curious, so eagerly nodded as he stood up and put the fingers that had been inside of me into my mouth. I slowly licked his fingers completely clean, and noticed that my cum was salty like Jonathan's, but had a different taste. Maybe everyone's is different? I looked up at Mr. Swift as his fingers fell from my lips, and could think of only one thing to say.
"Thank you."
"You're very welcome, Kylie. I hope we have the opportunity to continue this later, but for now, we'd better get you off to school. I don't want you to be late!"
11:45 am
The day seemed to creep by as I went from class to class. I always had trouble concentrating on game days, but today I had another reason to be distracted - the tingling sensations that occasionally built up deep inside of me, and the wetness that was now ever-present between my legs.
It wasn’t until Mr. Golding called on me, and I not only did I not know the answer, but I hadn’t even heard the question, that I realized I needed to snap out of this attitude. After all, Mr. Golding was my favorite teacher. I loved his class, and I didn’t want him to think I was disrespectful. I managed to say something coherent in response to his prompt, and he moved on with his lecture.
Much as I had told myself I would focus, concentrate, show my teacher the attention he deserved, I couldn’t help but let my mind wander again. I watched Mr. Golding from my front-row seat as he walked back in forth in front of the class, trying to keep everyone engaged by his lecture. Until today, I had never thought of him as anything but a great teacher, the one who always challenged me to do my best, and kept things fun and interesting in the process.
But now I found my head filled with completely new thoughts, thoughts about his body, thoughts that went nicely with the warmth between my legs, and the memories of my encounters with Jonathan and Mr. Swift earlier that morning. I was so lost in my own world that I didn’t immediately respond when Mr. Golding again said my name. When I finally responded, he was standing directly in front of me, and I realized that the rest of the class had left. I also, suddenly, became aware that I had uncrossed my legs, and that as my teacher sat down on the edge of his desk, he could easily get a view of my panties as he quickly glanced down.
“Kylie, I think we need to talk. I’ve never known you to daydream through a whole class. Is everything OK?”
Yikes, I never got in trouble with teachers, this was terrible! “I’m sorry, Mr. Golding, I don’t know what’s going on today. It’s a game day, and it’s my birthday on top of that, I guess I’m just a little distracted!”
“Oh, I didn’t realize it’s your birthday! Well, happy birthday! How old are you?”
“Eighteen,” I replied, blushing as I caught him glancing down under my desk again. I crossed my legs.
“Eighteen,” he repeated back to me. “An important milestone!” Then, changing the subject, and returning to more of a stern, teacherly voice, he said, “Would you mind staying for a bit? I’d like to discuss your progress in this class.”
Wow, so I was in trouble. “No problem, Mr. Golding. I have lunch now, so it’s not like there is another class I have to get to.”
“Good. Why don’t you join me in my office.”
He stood up, and I followed, walking around his desk and to the door at the back corner of the room. He always joked with us that the little room behind his classroom was more like a closet than an office, but at least it gave him some privacy when he needed to work on grading.
As soon as I entered the crowded little room behind him, he reached around me and shut the door.
“Now, Kylie, would you like to explain to me why you felt it necessary to show off your wet panties during my class? Do you realize how distracting that is when I’m trying to lecture?”
His comment took me completely off-guard. I knew I would be apologizing during this conversation, but didn’t think it would be for my wet panties.
“Um, I’m sorry?”
He smiled and moved in closer to me. “That’s OK, Kylie. I’m just giving you a hard time. Because you gave me one.”
I smiled back at him, but then had to admit I didn’t follow what he was saying. “Um, what?”
“Here,” he replied, still grinning as he took my hand and placed it firmly on his crotch. “Feel that? I’ve been hard for the last 20 minutes, watching you.”
“Oh, now I see what you mean! So, what can I do about that?”
He didn’t answer with words. He took both of my wrists into one of his big, strong hands, and pushed my arms up over my head, holding them there gently but firmly enough that I couldn’t move them. He then leaned into me, his weight pressing me against the closed door. With his other hand, he quickly unfastened his belt and unzipped his slacks, freeing his hard cock in just a few moments, and pressed it between my legs, where it rubbed against the wet fabric of my panties.
I moaned for a few moments before he leaned down and locked our mouths together in an intense kiss, tongue and all. As he kissed me, his hand reached under my skirt and pushed my panties to one side, so that his hard cock was now rubbing back and forth directly against my skin. With one smooth motion, he pressed into me, my cry of pain captured in his mouth as he continued to kiss me.
Once I had recovered from the initial shock of having his huge cock buried inside of me, I began to feel the wonderful new sensations as he moved slowly in and out. Instinctively, I stood up taller, even on to the tips of my toes, to help balance our height difference. Perhaps sensing this, Mr. Golding released my hands from above my head, positioned them around his neck, and hoisted me up by the waist so that I was now riding him in mid-air, my legs wrapped around him.
He was so strong that this new position seemed effortless for him, and the pleasure I felt was amazing, as he penetrated me even more deeply than he had before. I began bouncing up and down on him on my own now, no longer relying on him to set our rhythm. I was so turned on by the sounds and smells filling the room that I knew it wouldn’t be very long before I was completely overwhelmed with pleasure. I hoped I could make him cum too, because after all, it would make me very happy to please my favorite teacher!
As my climax came, I continued riding him fast and furious through each wave of pleasure, pleasure ten times the intensity of what I’d felt earlier that morning with Mr. Swift. His lips caught mine, once again muffling my moans and squeals of pleasure. After I’d finished, he gently pulled me off of his cock, and encouraged me to get down on my knees. I eagerly reached out to stroke him, and after just a few moments of attention from my hands, he encouraged me to put my mouth on him to catch his cum.
“Mmm,” I couldn’t help but saying after I took it all in and swallowed. “That’s even yummier than what I tasted this morning!”
“I thought maybe you’d had a busy day, Kylie! I’m glad you liked it. Now, get yourself cleaned up and get to lunch. You must be hungry after such a workout.”
“Thank you, Mr. Golding!”
1:30 pm
The morning was already a blur, my body tingling with new sensations and my mind racing with new images. I found myself almost overcome with the desire to explore these new feelings again, as soon as possible, but wasn't sure how to make that happen. After all, until this morning, I had absolutely zero experience!
My best distraction from this, well, distraction, was the fact that people kept wishing me a happy birthday. It really was nice to get so much attention, I had to admit. When I arrived on the football field for a quick practice before the game, my fellow cheerleaders surprised me with a huge balloon bouquet, including one that said 'happy 18'. I was so impressed with the sweet gesture that I even let the team off with a short, easy practice, in spite of the fact that I was usually a perfectionist before a home game!
Oh well, I thought to myself as I packed up our gear after letting the other girls leave. Truth was, I couldn't take my eyes off a couple of guys from the football team who were still working out on the field, the quarterback Ray, and one of his receivers, Mark. They were both seniors, and both older than me. I'd watched them hundreds of times before with nothing but admiration for their playing skills. Now, today, I found myself watching them with completely new thoughts, such as how it would feel to have their cocks in my mouth, or to have them touch me.
I stalled so that I would end up walking towards the locker rooms at the same time they did. "Hi Mark! Hi Ray!" I said, waving to them as they went into the men's locker room and I took the next door into the women's.
"Hi, Kylie," they both said. "Nice balloons," Mark added. "So, you're eighteen today, huh? Why don't you join us in here, there's plenty of room!"
I wanted nothing more at that moment than to follow these big, strong guys into their locker room, but the rule-follower in me questioned the decision.
"Are you sure it's OK?"
"How 'bout this, Kylie," Ray said, "we'll check that the coast is clear, then give you a signal if it's OK to come in."
I leaned against the wall as I waited for them to give me a signal, suddenly aware that my nipples felt hard and that the warm, tingly feeling between my legs was starting again. After a few more moments, Mark came back to the doorway, wearing nothing but a towel. He took my hand and led me inside. After getting over my horror at how dirty their locker room was compared to ours, and how it reeked of dirty socks, I once again became aware of the urgent need growing deep inside of me to continue exploring my newfound adulthood.
Mark walked me to a bench between two rows of lockers where Ray was waiting for us. While Ray spread a clean towel on the bench, Mark pinned me up against the lockers and kissed me firmly, my lips responding instantly to his, and parting as he pressed his tongue into my mouth. He reached down to my waist, grabbed my sweater, and pulled it quickly up and over my head, abruptly ending our kiss. Ray joined us now, pulling down my skirt so that I stood before them now in nothing but bra, panties, and shoes.
Mark then reached around to unclasp my bra, as Ray forced my panties down to the floor. I moaned as their hands began to move all over my body, forcefully kneading my C-cup breasts and rubbing between my legs until I felt like I would melt. Soon, the three of us moved over to the bench, where the players encouraged me to sit down, then dropped their towels, revealing both of their cocks to me.
I smiled in delight as I saw them, taking one in each hand and stroking them as they continued to explore my body. Ray's hand made its way down to the heat between my legs, and as soon as he felt me, he said, "oh my god, Mark, she's so wet. She's good and ready. Do you want to try her first, or can I?"
"Go for it, buddy."
Ray pulled his hand away from me, pulled me to my feet, and spun me around, pushing me down so that my hands were on the bench and my ass was up in the air. Meanwhile, Mark sat down on the bench beneath me, his cock jutting up towards my face. I needed no further instruction as I bent down further to take him into my mouth, shifting my hands from the bench to his thighs to better balance. Meanwhile, I realized what Ray was doing behind me, as I felt his cock begin to press against me, trying to force inside of me.
Remembering the wonderful feeling of Mr. Golding’s cock buried inside of me, I eagerly ground my hips against Ray. But I was surprised to find that I was a little sore, and especially since Ray’s cock was obviously bigger than Mr. Golding’s, it wouldn’t be easy to take him all inside! But I focused all of my attention on Mark's cock, and before I knew it, Ray was more and more inside of me, and the pain, after getting worse, subsided and was replaced by the most amazing pleasure.
I was soon panting and begging for more, pleading with Ray to pound into me harder, until Mark forced me back down onto his cock so that I couldn't talk anymore. After a few more minutes in this position, Ray pulled out of me and we shifted. I stood up, turned my back to Mark, straddled him, and slowly lowered myself onto his cock. After watching me ride his friend for a moment, Ray moved closer and presented me with his cock, which I eagerly took into my mouth, recognizing my own flavor as I sucked him off.
I soon recognized the sensations of climax which I had felt twice already today, as I rode Mark hard, my muscles clenching around his hard cock as I came. As soon as I had cum, he pushed me up and I got to my knees between the two hunky football players, stroking their balls as they pumped their cocks for a few moments, before they both came, shooting their loads all over my face and chest.
"Now can I go to my own locker room, guys?"
They laughed and wished me a great birthday as I picked up my clothes and snuck back to the women's locker room for a shower.
3:00 pm
In spite of my day full of sexual awakening, there was something completely different which I was very much looking forward to on this day: registering to vote. I had always been eager to take advantage of this right of passage into adulthood, but it was especially cool that this year was a presidential election year, with my birthday falling just in time before voter registration deadlines before the election.
I could have registered at school during one of the registration drives, but I decided to drive downtown and make it ultra official by registering at the courthouse. I checked my bag to confirm that even the blow job experience with Jonathan hadn't stopped me from remembering the multiple pieces of ID that were required by our state's new voter ID laws. Good thing, I didn't want anything standing in my way as I performed this important civic duty.
As I drove, I took two phone calls, one from each of my parents, checking in to see if I'd had a good birthday so far and asking whether I’d be coming home before the game. It was just as I was hanging up the second call that I became aware of the siren. Uh oh, that cop was right behind me. Yup, no doubt, it was me he was pulling over. I put on my turn signal and pulled onto the first side street that was safe.
"What did I do, officer?" I said, smiling up at him as I rolled down my window.
"License and registration, please," he said firmly, without a hint of warmth in his voice.
I handed them over, then awaited the verdict. I still wasn't sure what I'd done wrong. I'm a really safe driver, and had never been pulled over before, so I didn't know what to expect.
"So, I see it's your birthday, and you're what... eighteen?"
I don't know if it was the theme of my day or the fact that it took the guy way too long to calculate my age - making me think I could outsmart him - but I quickly hatched a plan to attempt to escape punishment for whatever it was I'd done.
"That's right, officer," I said, while spreading my legs just enough to give him a view of my panties beneath my oh-so-short cheerleader skirt. "And I'm trying to get registered to vote before getting home in time for my birthday party with family. I'm awfully sorry if maybe I was going a little too fast?"
"Well, yes, you were, plus you ran a stop sign, and you were talking on the phone while driving. That's several infractions, I really should give you a ticket."
"Maybe we could work something out in the back of your cruiser?" I looked up at him with a big grin, my hand cupping my breast as I batted my eyelashes over my big blue eyes.
His eyes grew big and looked deep into mine as he considered my suggestion. “That’s not a very modest proposal, young lady.”
I smiled, deciding to say nothing more as he continued watching me, thinking about his next move.
"Well, OK, but I'll have to slap the cuffs on you to make it look realistic, in case any of the fine citizens of this neighborhood are watching."
"Fine by me!"
I got out of my car, intertwined my fingers behind my head as he put the handcuffs on my wrists, and then he led me to his car, helping me to the back seat. He walked around to the other side and got in next to me, undoing his belt and unzipping his pants almost as soon as he sat down. As soon as his cock was free, I bent over and took it into my mouth, bobbing up and down as quickly as I could.
Several competing thoughts filled my head simultaneously: I was suddenly aware of how incredibly sore and raw I was from my encounter with Ray and Mark; I was amazed at this new-found discovery, that it was possible to use sex to get what I wanted; I was actually enjoying the feeling of being restrained, and the cold steel against my skin; and I hoped this cop would cum soon so I'd still have time to get back to the courthouse.
Almost as soon as I'd had that last thought, the cop jerked beneath me, and I swallowed every last drop of his cum. He released me from the cuffs, then said, "now, how about a little help with that voter registration? I certainly don’t want to keep an eager young lady away from her civic duty."
I smiled, not exactly sure what he meant. I got out of the cruiser and back into my car, and then watched in amazement as he actually proceeded to give me a formal escort to the courthouse, using his corrupt coply ways to get me to the front of the line so that I would indeed still make it to my party on time. I gave him a wink, and he returned one of his own, as we parted ways. He left, well, satisfied. I left with a smile, proud that my voter registration card would arrive in the mail in plenty of time for me to cast my vote in November.
7:30 pm
The game was a fairly uneventful one, so I’ll spare you a full recap, except to say that our Bulldogs did win, 24-21, with Ray scoring the winning touchdown with a great pass in the final two minutes. Needless to say, everyone on our side of the field - players, coaches, my cheerleaders - was very happy.
It was a nice segue from the celebrations on the field to the party that my two best friends - and fellow cheerleaders - threw for me. Amber and Jessica and I piled into Amber’s car and drove the short distance to Jessica’s house, where her parents were conveniently out of town for the weekend, so we’d have the whole place to ourselves.
We grabbed sodas and chips from the kitchen, then made our way upstairs to Jessica’s room. As soon as we got there, I realized what would be coming my way: my birthday spankings. Amber had first introduced me to the concept when I turned twelve, and in the years since, she'd not let a single year go by without the birthday spankings. Apparently it was a tradition in her family: each person at the party got to spank you once for each year of age. So, tonight, I'd be getting eighteen from Amber and another eighteen from Jessica.
They had both turned eighteen over the summer, so we'd been through this all very recently, but somehow it felt different to me this time, undoubtedly because of all of the experiences I'd had that day. After all, the memories and the physical sensations were all still so fresh. Jonathan's kiss, his cock, his cum. Mr. Swift's fingers and tongue inside of me. The ride on Mr. Golding’s cock right after class. Mark and, oh god, I just remembered what a crush Jessica had on Ray. And of course the cop. I blushed now, just thinking of all of it.
"Hold on, Amber. Let me get out of this uniform. It's been a long day."
"In that case, Kylie, why don't you open your first present!"
Amber tossed me a package, and I eagerly ripped it open. Inside was a bra and matching thong panties, blue satin with lace trim. I had never held lingerie like this in my hands, much less thought of putting it on. My mom had always taken me to the mall to buy basic staples: white cotton bra, white cotton panties, sports bras for cheering, that was it.
"Go ahead, Kylie!"
With Amber's encouragement, I removed the rest of what I had been wearing, and put on the new lingerie. I looked at myself in the mirror, and confirmed what my friends were saying as they watched me: I looked hot. For the first time, I saw what all the men I'd done today had seen. Wow. My intention had been to change into the t-shirt and jeans I had in my bag, but I decided just to remain in the bra and panties.
"Wow, thanks, Amber! OK, now I'm ready for my spankings." I put my hands on Jessica’s bed and playfully stuck my ass out into the room, spreading my legs slightly.
Laughing, both girls took their turn with gentle swats. First, Amber, then Jessica. At first, I laughed cheerfully, but gradually, I started to enjoy the spankings more than I expected to. Instead of a playful childhood tradition, this was becoming yet another physical encounter that brought about feelings of warmth and wetness between my legs. About half-way through the spankings after a particularly firm slap from Amber, I let myself go, moaning and pushing back against her hand with my ass.
When I realized what I had done, I was embarrassed, but as I turned to look at Amber, I saw that rather than looking shocked, she was smiling mischievously at me. She and Jessica proceeded with the spankings, slower, more deliberately, and harder now, and I continued to let myself express my true feelings.
When the thirty-sixth spanking finally came and went, my ass stinging in pain, I stood up, turned around, and let myself fall back onto Jessica’s bed. My friends looked at each other, and, as if they were making some secret decision, nodded. “Go ahead, Jessica,” Amber said.
“What?” I asked.
“It’s time for my present!” Jessica replied enthusiastically. I eagerly took it from her, unwrapping it as I sat down on the bed. After removing the wrapping paper, I stared at the box in disbelief, only to find when I opened it that the object inside looked exactly like the picture on the outside. It was an eight-inch vibrating dildo, according to the package. Before today, I would have had no idea what to do with such an object. After today, it was all too obvious.
“Do you know what to do with it?” Amber teased.
“Yeah, I sure do...”
My friends laughed, then Jessica chimed in, “well, don’t feel obligated to use it right away, but believe me, you’ll enjoy it.”
I looked up at them, smiled, and took each of them by the hand, pulling them down onto the bed with me. Amber picked up a pillow and hit me playfully with it, and soon Jessica and I were both in the mix with her, standing up and jumping on the bed as we pretended to hit each other hard with what of course were very soft objects. After a few minutes of this, we all collapsed, out of breath and giggling, into a heap on the bed. It certainly wasn’t the first time we’d goofed around like this together, but it was definitely the first time it had felt sexually charged.
Jessica finally broke the silence after we all caught our breath. “So, Kylie, have you had a good birthday so far?”
“Definitely! Turning eighteen has been amazing, more than I ever would have imagined.”
“Good! Do you want your last present now?”
“Um, sure!”
Amber put her hands on the waist of my panties and quickly pulled them down and off, tossing them to the floor. At the same time, Jessica reached a hand under my back and unhooked my bra, pulling it off as well. I was now naked, laying on my back on the bed, with two gorgeous cheerleaders still in uniform, one on either side of me. I had never thought of my friends as anything other than, well, my friends - and of course my teammates. But now I could see a similar ‘hotness’ that all those men had seen in me today.
Amber was a brunette with gorgeous green eyes, and still had a beautiful summer tan from her lengthy hours spent at the beach. She was quite petite - which was why we’d always chosen her for the top of the pyramid! Jessica, the redhead, was more curvy, with breasts bigger than mine, a gorgeous round ass, and long legs on her 5’9” frame.
They both started touching me now, Jessica starting on my tits and Amber around my inner thighs, massaging, tickling, stroking. It wasn’t long before I was writhing in pleasure from all the attention. Amber picked up the dildo, twisted the base of it so that it began vibrating, and began teasing me with it, touching it briefly to the area between my legs, then pulling it away just as I responded.
“Do you like that on your clit, Kylie, or would you rather I shove it into your tight little pussy?”
Two new words, hmm, was my vocabulary ever going to be complete? I didn’t need her to define them, though, it was obvious what they meant.
“Ooh, Amber, I like it on my clit! My pussy is sore, though.”
“Oh, really? So you really have had a good day, huh!”
I just giggled in response, as she pulled the vibrator away and I watched as she quickly stripped. Once she was naked, she climbed on top of me and began rubbing her own clit against mine. Watching this, Jessica stopped massaging my tits and stripped as well, so that we were all now naked on the bed.
“Sounds like you’ve had a lot of encounters today, Kylie,” Jessica said, “but I doubt you’ve had the chance to taste another woman yet?”
“Oh, Jessica, can I? Would you let me lick you? Someone” - I figured I’d let him remain nameless - “licked me this morning and I loved it!”
“Of course, Kylie! What are friends for?”
She put a pillow under my head and straddled me, slowly lowering herself down over my face, until I could reach her with my tongue. I began licking her slowly back and forth across her pussy and to her clit, up and down until finally my tongue pushed inside of her and I could taste her juices, not quite the same flavor as a man’s cum, but equally yummy.
This whole time, Amber continued to grind against me, and the sensations were incredible. If the experience of tasting another woman weren’t so overwhelmingly new and different, just Amber’s touch would have occupied my full attention. But most of my fascination was directed towards Jessica’s pussy. I realized that my hands were free, and so began using them as well, probing her with my fingers and my tongue simultaneously now as she began to moan with pleasure above me.
Perhaps taking my lead, she also put her hands to use, once again massaging my tits, now even squeezing my nipples firmly as she did so. It was at this moment that my climax began, and I could feel that the same thing was happening for my friends. Just as my own pussy clenched and began dripping with juices, Jessica cried out, her cum trickling down my chin as I tried my best to drink it all from her hot pussy. Amber let her weight fall against mine as she came as well, and we once again all collapsed to the bed, just as we had after our innocent-seeming pillow fight.
After resting there for a few moments, I kissed both my friends, telling them that I should probably get home before I fell asleep right there from pure exhaustion - my parents would, presumably, worry if I never came home that night. I got dressed, choosing the new, sexy lingerie over my cum-soaked white cotton panties, and my t-shirt and jeans over the cheerleader uniform that I’d spent the whole day in, and Amber threw on some clothes decent enough to get to her car and drive me home.
9:45 pm
After waving goodnight to Amber, I started up the walk to my house, amazed that I was still turned on after all of my experiences. Do these feelings never stop, I wondered to myself? Just as I was having that thought, and just before getting to my front door, I heard Jonathan’s voice through the darkness. He was whispering to me from his bedroom window, trying to get my attention without disturbing either of our households.
I waved to him and ran across the lawn between our houses, until I was standing below his window, looking directly up at him, one story up.
“How was your day, Kylie? Did you have a good birthday?”
“You’d never believe what a good birthday I had, Jonathan. Let’s just say I’m quite a bit more experienced than I was this morning.”
“Ah, good for you. Glad you had fun! Want to come up?”
I glanced back at my house, and not seeing any activity such as a peering mother or father pointing at his watch, I smiled and nodded. I ran to the front door, where he met me a few seconds later, letting me in. I waved to his parents, who were watching TV, and obviously thought nothing of my visit so late in the evening - that’s how normal it was for Jonathan and I to spend time together. We ran up the stairs and into his room, where he pulled me into an intense embrace as soon as he closed the door behind us.
“So, I really want to cum again, but my pussy is so sore and raw.”
“Oh, really, Kylie? Anything else you’d like to share?”
“Oh my god, did I say that out loud? Yikes, Jonathan, I’m so embarrassed.”
“It’s OK, Kylie, really, don’t worry about it! Haven’t we always shared pretty much everything?”
“Well, yeah, but...”
“Plus, I have an idea.”
“Absolutely. I know of a way that you - and I - can cum without exhausting your tired little pussy any more today.”
“I’m listening.”
“It might be better if I just show you.”
“OK, Jonathan, I trust you.”
We moved towards his bed, removing each other’s clothes and tossing them to the floor as we walked. I sat down on the edge of the bed, and he spread my legs and knelt in front of me. His tongue quickly found my clit and began gently licking, and I let myself fall back against the bed in a combination of pleasure and exhaustion from the day. He licked me for a few minutes more, always so gently that I never moved too close to a climax, before standing up and walking over to his dresser.
I propped myself up on my elbows to watch as he opened the top drawer, rummaged around under socks and boxers, and pulled out a small bottle. I was overwhelmed with curiosity as he walked back towards me, motioned for me to put my hands out, and proceeded to squeeze several drops of cool gel from the bottle onto my hands. I took a guess, which turned out to be the right one, as to what he wanted me to do next. I climbed off the bed and onto my knees in front of him, and began stroking his already-hardening cock with my slick fingers.
I had never felt a substance exactly like what he had put on my hands, but it was clearly an excellent lubricant, as my hands glided smoothly back and forth on his throbbing cock. I knew he probably didn’t want me to bring him to climax this way, as he had said that he had a plan to make us both cum, so I looked up at him quizzically as I stroked him. He smiled, letting me continue for a few minutes more, before finally reaching down to gently stop my motions and move us to a new position.
“Now,” he said suggestively, “let’s see how flexible this cheerleader is!”
I grinned up at him as he positioned me on my back on the floor, then grabbed my legs by the ankles and pulled them up and back to my head, so that my knees were on either side of my face. This position put my ass in the air and gave him a clear view of my aching, dripping wet pussy. I still had no idea what he had in mind for his next move.
“Excellent,” he exclaimed, obviously pleased with my level of flexibility. All those hours of practice obviously had some purpose beyond cheerleading, I thought to myself. He then held up the bottle again, turned it upside down, and squeezed, and I watched as the cool gel dropped the few feet between his outstretched arm and my exposed pussy, squealing in delight as it hit my warm skin. He kept squeezing, longer than I thought he would, covering my pussy, my clit, and my ass in the lubricant. He then tossed the bottle aside and bent down, using both hands to spread the lubricant all over my skin, pausing briefly to stroke my clit and pussy lips, but focusing mostly on the area around my asshole.
I wasn’t used to attention on this part of my body, and found the sensations to be more exciting than I would ever have thought. I began squirming beneath his touch, eagerly grinding myself against his hands, and he smiled in response to my obvious pleasure. He began pressing a finger into my asshole, and while my first response was to resist, I soon became aware of the tight feeling of pleasure, and the sensations that radiated into my pussy from that contact, and I let him continue. He probed further now, pressing at least a few inches of his middle finger inside my tight virgin asshole, and then moving it in and out for a few moments.
When he pulled his finger out, I groaned in disappointment, and he laughed, whispering, “don’t worry, Kylie, there’s more where that came from.” He then shifted his feet so that he was straddling me, bent his knees slightly, and brought the tip of his cock into contact with my asshole. He used his hands to spread my ass cheeks apart, giving him more access, until the tip of his lubricated cock gradually slipped inside my asshole.
I brought my hands to my hips to support myself in this position, and to help arch my back to give him better access, as he slowly pressed himself into me. I whimpered and panted, expressing a combination of pain and intense desire, as more and more of his length disappeared inside of me. After a few minutes of slow, intense pressure, Jonathan’s cock was completely buried in my ass. I was in disbelief that such a thing was even possible, but didn’t have much energy to ponder that any longer, as he soon began moving in and out of me.
His hands shifted from my ass cheeks to my clit and pussy, and began furiously rubbing my clit, and gently stroking the outside of my pussy, seeming to respect the soreness of the inside of my pussy, spent from so much sex earlier in the day. I wouldn’t last long under all this attention, so I decided to try to distract myself in an attempt to prolong the pleasure. Leaving one hand on the small of my back to support myself, I reached up with my other hand and fondled his balls as he pounded in and out of me.
Jonathan seemed to appreciate the attention, and after a few more minutes, I knew he wouldn’t last much longer either. I don’t know what came over me, maybe it was fatigue, but I decided to talk to him as he reached his climax, urging him on with words I had never dreamed would come out of my own mouth. I’m not even sure where I found such a vocabulary.
“That’s right, Jonathan. Fuck that ass. Fuck my tight little asshole. Are you going to cum for me? Are you going to cum all over my tight little ass and my naughty little pussy? Do you know how many cocks I’ve had today? I’ve been fucked so raw, and you started it all with your big, hard cock. That’s it, cum for me, yes, yes, yessssssssss!”
I had to stop talking as my own climax overwhelmed me, and soon after I did, he pulled out of me, and began shooting his cum all over me, some landing on my ass and around my clit and pussy, some dripping down my torso to my tits, some landing on my face. I was amazed at the quantity, especially since I knew he had cum just that morning!
After we had both recovered and I was back on my feet, Jonathan spoke again. “Wow, Kylie, I’ve never heard such filthy language come out of that beautiful mouth of yours.”
I giggled, responding, “Yeah, I didn’t know I was capable of talking like such a slut! It’s been quite a day, though....”
He laughed, and I quickly got dressed and made my way out of his house and back to mine. As I drifted off to sleep a few minutes later, there was just one thought left in my head: what a senior year this was going to be!
I was already awake when my alarm went off, my head spinning with excitement. For most of my peers, it was just a Friday in late September, with the anticipation of the start of the school year long since replaced by the dull routines of homework and after-school jobs. But for me, this was a day like no other, a day I'd been eagerly anticipating for months: my eighteenth birthday!
I didn't feel any more grown up than the day before, but by many standards, I was now an adult. I sprung out of bed and over to the full-length mirror on my closet door to see if I looked any more mature, any more responsible. Nope, I laughed to myself. Same Kylie as yesterday! High school senior, honor student, captain of the cheerleading squad.
I had just finished getting dressed when the two-way radio on my nightstand buzzed. There was only one person it could be. Jonathan lived next door, and we'd been buddies for as long as I could remember. Our parents had gotten us the walkie-talkies years ago, so that we would stop hollering out our bedroom windows at each other whenever we had something to say. He was a year older than me, and taking this year to work before going off to college.
“Good morning, Jonathan,” I spoke into the radio, then waited to hear his reply.
“Happy Birthday, Kylie! Can I come over? I have a present for you!”
“Aww, you’re too sweet! Sure, come on over!”
No more than a minute later, Jonathan knocked on my bedroom door, and I told him to let himself in. My hands were full putting my long blonde hair up into a ponytail, which I tied with a blue ribbon.
“Wow, Kylie, you look amazing in that uniform!” I always wore my cheerleading uniform to school on game days. He tossed a small wrapped gift onto the bed.
“That’s the Bulldog alum talking, you’ll never get the school colors out of your system!” I playfully spun around for him, giving him the full view of my cheerleader skirt and sweater, blue with white and gold trim.
“No, really, Kylie, you are sensational.”
“What do you mean?” He had never talked to me like this before.
“I mean, silly, that you have a great body. Your tits look amazing in that sweater, and I can’t take my eyes off your tight ass and gorgeous legs.”
“Wow, um, Jonathan, I don’t know what to say!” Not only had Jonathan never said anything like this to me before, but nobody else had either. Tits and ass?
“No need to say anything, why don’t you just come over here.”
I took a few steps towards him, and once I was close enough, he wrapped his arm around my waist and swiftly pulled me close. As soon as I looked up into his eyes, his lips found mine. Oh my god, was this going to be my first kiss? With Jonathan? I felt weak in the knees. His hands now pushed their way inside my sweater, and I moaned at the new sensation as his fingers squeezed my breasts.
Without knowing what I was doing, I wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders, pulling him closer, and I could feel a bulge growing in his pants, pressing against me. Surprised, I dropped my hands and pulled away from him slightly. I was very nervous, but also very curious, as I let one hand come to rest on the front of his sweats, gently feeling the bulge, feeling it grow bigger and harder under my touch.
“Don’t be afraid of it, Kylie. That’s it, just move up and down against it.”
Fascinated, I pulled away from him even further and dropped to my knees in front of him, the bulge now directly in front of my face. I looked up at Jonathan for more direction, not sure what to do next. He smiled, and then brought his fingers to the waist of his sweats, pushing them down to his knees, and I was amazed at what I saw next. It was at least seven inches long, hard, and throbbing.
“Do you like my cock, Kylie? Do you want to touch it?”
I looked up at him, smiling, and said, “It’s so big!!”
He laughed, then sighed as I took it into my hands, moving back and forth as he had instructed earlier. After a few moments, he took one of my hands gently in his and led it to the base of his - what did he call it? - his cock, and showed me how to fondle the two balls that dangled there.
“That’s it, Kylie. Just like that. Do you want to suck it?”
I tore my eyes away from the object of my fascination and gave him what must have been a shocked look. Suck it? I had never imagined such a thing. But I had no reason not to trust Jonathan, not to do what he suggested, so I leaned in, tentatively at first and then with more confidence, and put his cock into my mouth.
At first I just held an inch or so in my mouth, but then, drawn in by the warmth of his skin, his wonderful scent, and the obvious pleasure my touch brought him, I let myself move back and forth with more enthusiasm, so that I was bobbing up and down on it, taking more of it into my mouth with each stroke. After a few minutes of this, I felt his body start to move more roughly, and at first I pulled away, but he urged me to keep going. “No, Kylie, don’t stop, please just keep doing exactly what you’re doing, it’s wonderful, trust me!”
“Ummmm hmmmm,” was all I could say in response, my mouth full of cock, his hands now clutching at my head and shoulders to control my movements. A few moments later, Jonathan jerked, let out a huge moan, and I felt something warm shoot into my throat. Pulling away quickly, more of the warmth hit my lips, and then my face, as I realized that the substance was coming out of the end of Jonathan’s cock.
Jonathan pulled up his sweats, then helped me to my feet, saying, “Well, Kylie, how did you enjoy giving your first blow job?”
“Is that what that’s called?”
He smiled, nodded, then added, “Looks like we’d better get you cleaned up before you go off to school.” He took me by the hand into the bathroom next to my room, and gently cleaned off my face with a moist towel. I managed to lick some of the warm, sticky liquid from my lips before he could remove it, and was surprised that I actually enjoyed the taste. Salty and tangy.
“Yum, it’s good! What is it?”
“Most guys call it cum, Kylie. And believe me, if you like the taste of it, you’ll be very popular.”
I gave him a quizzical look, not sure exactly what he meant, but before I could ask, he spoke again.
“You’d better go, Kylie. I don’t want you to be late for school! I hope you have a wonderful birthday! Oh, and your present is that CD I know you’ve been wanting.”
“Oh, cool - thanks, Jonathan! You’re a great friend.”
I ran out the door after giving him a quick hug and peck on the cheek, hollered to my parents that I’d see them later, jumped into my car, and started my drive, my head reeling as I went. I had never so much as held hands with a boy, and now I had given a blow job to my neighbor, one of my best buddies from childhood. I guess a lot had changed overnight, after all!
6:45 am
Lost in thought, I was almost all the way to school before remembering that I was supposed to make a stop on my way. The dad of one of the kids I babysat for had run out of cash to pay me the day before, so had asked me to come by on my way to school today so he could make it right. I pulled over, waited for traffic to pass, then made a u-turn to head back the other direction, towards Mr. Swift’s house. He was a really nice guy, but as a single dad, he often was scrambling to keep things in order, and it wasn’t the first time he hadn’t paid me on time.
“I hope I’m not too early, Mr. Swift? I have to be at school by 7:15, so...”
“No problem at all, Kylie. I have to leave for work soon myself, so your timing is great. Come on in, I’ll get you the money. Sorry again for not paying you on time!”
“Oh, that’s OK - it happens!”
He disappeared into the kitchen for a moment, then returned with two $20 bills, my pay for the past few weeks. I eagerly took the cash, and turned back towards the door to leave, but stopped when he spoke again.
“Kylie, if I may say so, you are absolutely beaming today. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you look so happy. Is it a special occasion?”
I turned, smiling, to answer him. “Yes, actually, today’s my eighteenth birthday!”
“Oh, wow, really!”
“Yes, I’m pretty excited.”
“So am...” he started to say something, but his voice dropped off.
“What’s that, Mr. Swift?”
“Oh, nothing. Can I just tell you, eighteen looks good on you. You look phenomenal in that uniform.”
I laughed, then said, “Funny, you’re the second person to tell me that this morning!”
“I’m not surprised, Kylie. You’re stunning.”
His eyes dropped from my face to my chest, and then to my waist. Without thinking, I took a step towards him. Also without thinking, I let my eyes fall to his crotch, curious if I would see the same bulge that I’d seen on Jonathan just an hour earlier. As soon as I did it, my cheeks flushed with embarrassment. I shouldn’t look at Mr. Swift that way!
“It’s OK, Kylie. Why don’t you come over here,” he said, reaching for my hand and leading me across the room to the sofa. “I just thought of a way to thank you for your patience over my late payment.”
He turned me around so that I was facing the sofa, then gently pushed me down so that my forearms came to rest against the sofa back. I couldn’t see what he was doing, but quickly felt his hands on my ass, rubbing me through my cheerleading skirt, then after a few more moments sliding underneath the skirt and firmly kneading my skin through just my white cotton panties.
Any thought I had of objecting quickly flew out of my head as I started to feel some completely new sensations. Wonderful new sensations. I went weak in the knees again, but not like before, because a cute guy was kissing me. This time it was because I was suddenly overwhelmed with a warmth and tingling between my legs. When Mr. Swift's fingers reached exactly the place where that warmth and tingling seemed to be coming from, I sighed and let my weight fall completely against the sofa.
His fingers now worked their way underneath my panties, so that they were directly against my skin, and I felt my hips begin to move against his touch, seeming to have a mind of their own, making the most of the feelings of pleasure which were slowly building inside of me. He now got down on one knee behind me, and I felt something new against my skin, a new moist and warm touch which I soon realized must be his tongue.
I had never imagined being kissed down there, and was amazed how my body was responding. As he licked and kissed and even nibbled this very sensitive skin, he started - slowly at first, then more aggressively - pressing his fingers inside of me. It was then that I started to move against him more forcefully, in response to a powerful heat which seemed to be building from inside of me. I felt muscles that I never knew I had begin to squeeze against his fingers, and felt a wetness ooze out of me and onto my inner thighs as I cried out in response to pleasure I'd never dreamed of.
So, that must be what Jonathan felt when I gave him the blow job. Wow. Totally amazing. I turned around, straightened up, and asked Mr. Swift, "Did I cum?"
"Oh, yeah, Kylie. Would you like to taste your cum?"
I was very curious, so eagerly nodded as he stood up and put the fingers that had been inside of me into my mouth. I slowly licked his fingers completely clean, and noticed that my cum was salty like Jonathan's, but had a different taste. Maybe everyone's is different? I looked up at Mr. Swift as his fingers fell from my lips, and could think of only one thing to say.
"Thank you."
"You're very welcome, Kylie. I hope we have the opportunity to continue this later, but for now, we'd better get you off to school. I don't want you to be late!"
11:45 am
The day seemed to creep by as I went from class to class. I always had trouble concentrating on game days, but today I had another reason to be distracted - the tingling sensations that occasionally built up deep inside of me, and the wetness that was now ever-present between my legs.
It wasn’t until Mr. Golding called on me, and I not only did I not know the answer, but I hadn’t even heard the question, that I realized I needed to snap out of this attitude. After all, Mr. Golding was my favorite teacher. I loved his class, and I didn’t want him to think I was disrespectful. I managed to say something coherent in response to his prompt, and he moved on with his lecture.
Much as I had told myself I would focus, concentrate, show my teacher the attention he deserved, I couldn’t help but let my mind wander again. I watched Mr. Golding from my front-row seat as he walked back in forth in front of the class, trying to keep everyone engaged by his lecture. Until today, I had never thought of him as anything but a great teacher, the one who always challenged me to do my best, and kept things fun and interesting in the process.
But now I found my head filled with completely new thoughts, thoughts about his body, thoughts that went nicely with the warmth between my legs, and the memories of my encounters with Jonathan and Mr. Swift earlier that morning. I was so lost in my own world that I didn’t immediately respond when Mr. Golding again said my name. When I finally responded, he was standing directly in front of me, and I realized that the rest of the class had left. I also, suddenly, became aware that I had uncrossed my legs, and that as my teacher sat down on the edge of his desk, he could easily get a view of my panties as he quickly glanced down.
“Kylie, I think we need to talk. I’ve never known you to daydream through a whole class. Is everything OK?”
Yikes, I never got in trouble with teachers, this was terrible! “I’m sorry, Mr. Golding, I don’t know what’s going on today. It’s a game day, and it’s my birthday on top of that, I guess I’m just a little distracted!”
“Oh, I didn’t realize it’s your birthday! Well, happy birthday! How old are you?”
“Eighteen,” I replied, blushing as I caught him glancing down under my desk again. I crossed my legs.
“Eighteen,” he repeated back to me. “An important milestone!” Then, changing the subject, and returning to more of a stern, teacherly voice, he said, “Would you mind staying for a bit? I’d like to discuss your progress in this class.”
Wow, so I was in trouble. “No problem, Mr. Golding. I have lunch now, so it’s not like there is another class I have to get to.”
“Good. Why don’t you join me in my office.”
He stood up, and I followed, walking around his desk and to the door at the back corner of the room. He always joked with us that the little room behind his classroom was more like a closet than an office, but at least it gave him some privacy when he needed to work on grading.
As soon as I entered the crowded little room behind him, he reached around me and shut the door.
“Now, Kylie, would you like to explain to me why you felt it necessary to show off your wet panties during my class? Do you realize how distracting that is when I’m trying to lecture?”
His comment took me completely off-guard. I knew I would be apologizing during this conversation, but didn’t think it would be for my wet panties.
“Um, I’m sorry?”
He smiled and moved in closer to me. “That’s OK, Kylie. I’m just giving you a hard time. Because you gave me one.”
I smiled back at him, but then had to admit I didn’t follow what he was saying. “Um, what?”
“Here,” he replied, still grinning as he took my hand and placed it firmly on his crotch. “Feel that? I’ve been hard for the last 20 minutes, watching you.”
“Oh, now I see what you mean! So, what can I do about that?”
He didn’t answer with words. He took both of my wrists into one of his big, strong hands, and pushed my arms up over my head, holding them there gently but firmly enough that I couldn’t move them. He then leaned into me, his weight pressing me against the closed door. With his other hand, he quickly unfastened his belt and unzipped his slacks, freeing his hard cock in just a few moments, and pressed it between my legs, where it rubbed against the wet fabric of my panties.
I moaned for a few moments before he leaned down and locked our mouths together in an intense kiss, tongue and all. As he kissed me, his hand reached under my skirt and pushed my panties to one side, so that his hard cock was now rubbing back and forth directly against my skin. With one smooth motion, he pressed into me, my cry of pain captured in his mouth as he continued to kiss me.
Once I had recovered from the initial shock of having his huge cock buried inside of me, I began to feel the wonderful new sensations as he moved slowly in and out. Instinctively, I stood up taller, even on to the tips of my toes, to help balance our height difference. Perhaps sensing this, Mr. Golding released my hands from above my head, positioned them around his neck, and hoisted me up by the waist so that I was now riding him in mid-air, my legs wrapped around him.
He was so strong that this new position seemed effortless for him, and the pleasure I felt was amazing, as he penetrated me even more deeply than he had before. I began bouncing up and down on him on my own now, no longer relying on him to set our rhythm. I was so turned on by the sounds and smells filling the room that I knew it wouldn’t be very long before I was completely overwhelmed with pleasure. I hoped I could make him cum too, because after all, it would make me very happy to please my favorite teacher!
As my climax came, I continued riding him fast and furious through each wave of pleasure, pleasure ten times the intensity of what I’d felt earlier that morning with Mr. Swift. His lips caught mine, once again muffling my moans and squeals of pleasure. After I’d finished, he gently pulled me off of his cock, and encouraged me to get down on my knees. I eagerly reached out to stroke him, and after just a few moments of attention from my hands, he encouraged me to put my mouth on him to catch his cum.
“Mmm,” I couldn’t help but saying after I took it all in and swallowed. “That’s even yummier than what I tasted this morning!”
“I thought maybe you’d had a busy day, Kylie! I’m glad you liked it. Now, get yourself cleaned up and get to lunch. You must be hungry after such a workout.”
“Thank you, Mr. Golding!”
1:30 pm
The morning was already a blur, my body tingling with new sensations and my mind racing with new images. I found myself almost overcome with the desire to explore these new feelings again, as soon as possible, but wasn't sure how to make that happen. After all, until this morning, I had absolutely zero experience!
My best distraction from this, well, distraction, was the fact that people kept wishing me a happy birthday. It really was nice to get so much attention, I had to admit. When I arrived on the football field for a quick practice before the game, my fellow cheerleaders surprised me with a huge balloon bouquet, including one that said 'happy 18'. I was so impressed with the sweet gesture that I even let the team off with a short, easy practice, in spite of the fact that I was usually a perfectionist before a home game!
Oh well, I thought to myself as I packed up our gear after letting the other girls leave. Truth was, I couldn't take my eyes off a couple of guys from the football team who were still working out on the field, the quarterback Ray, and one of his receivers, Mark. They were both seniors, and both older than me. I'd watched them hundreds of times before with nothing but admiration for their playing skills. Now, today, I found myself watching them with completely new thoughts, such as how it would feel to have their cocks in my mouth, or to have them touch me.
I stalled so that I would end up walking towards the locker rooms at the same time they did. "Hi Mark! Hi Ray!" I said, waving to them as they went into the men's locker room and I took the next door into the women's.
"Hi, Kylie," they both said. "Nice balloons," Mark added. "So, you're eighteen today, huh? Why don't you join us in here, there's plenty of room!"
I wanted nothing more at that moment than to follow these big, strong guys into their locker room, but the rule-follower in me questioned the decision.
"Are you sure it's OK?"
"How 'bout this, Kylie," Ray said, "we'll check that the coast is clear, then give you a signal if it's OK to come in."
I leaned against the wall as I waited for them to give me a signal, suddenly aware that my nipples felt hard and that the warm, tingly feeling between my legs was starting again. After a few more moments, Mark came back to the doorway, wearing nothing but a towel. He took my hand and led me inside. After getting over my horror at how dirty their locker room was compared to ours, and how it reeked of dirty socks, I once again became aware of the urgent need growing deep inside of me to continue exploring my newfound adulthood.
Mark walked me to a bench between two rows of lockers where Ray was waiting for us. While Ray spread a clean towel on the bench, Mark pinned me up against the lockers and kissed me firmly, my lips responding instantly to his, and parting as he pressed his tongue into my mouth. He reached down to my waist, grabbed my sweater, and pulled it quickly up and over my head, abruptly ending our kiss. Ray joined us now, pulling down my skirt so that I stood before them now in nothing but bra, panties, and shoes.
Mark then reached around to unclasp my bra, as Ray forced my panties down to the floor. I moaned as their hands began to move all over my body, forcefully kneading my C-cup breasts and rubbing between my legs until I felt like I would melt. Soon, the three of us moved over to the bench, where the players encouraged me to sit down, then dropped their towels, revealing both of their cocks to me.
I smiled in delight as I saw them, taking one in each hand and stroking them as they continued to explore my body. Ray's hand made its way down to the heat between my legs, and as soon as he felt me, he said, "oh my god, Mark, she's so wet. She's good and ready. Do you want to try her first, or can I?"
"Go for it, buddy."
Ray pulled his hand away from me, pulled me to my feet, and spun me around, pushing me down so that my hands were on the bench and my ass was up in the air. Meanwhile, Mark sat down on the bench beneath me, his cock jutting up towards my face. I needed no further instruction as I bent down further to take him into my mouth, shifting my hands from the bench to his thighs to better balance. Meanwhile, I realized what Ray was doing behind me, as I felt his cock begin to press against me, trying to force inside of me.
Remembering the wonderful feeling of Mr. Golding’s cock buried inside of me, I eagerly ground my hips against Ray. But I was surprised to find that I was a little sore, and especially since Ray’s cock was obviously bigger than Mr. Golding’s, it wouldn’t be easy to take him all inside! But I focused all of my attention on Mark's cock, and before I knew it, Ray was more and more inside of me, and the pain, after getting worse, subsided and was replaced by the most amazing pleasure.
I was soon panting and begging for more, pleading with Ray to pound into me harder, until Mark forced me back down onto his cock so that I couldn't talk anymore. After a few more minutes in this position, Ray pulled out of me and we shifted. I stood up, turned my back to Mark, straddled him, and slowly lowered myself onto his cock. After watching me ride his friend for a moment, Ray moved closer and presented me with his cock, which I eagerly took into my mouth, recognizing my own flavor as I sucked him off.
I soon recognized the sensations of climax which I had felt twice already today, as I rode Mark hard, my muscles clenching around his hard cock as I came. As soon as I had cum, he pushed me up and I got to my knees between the two hunky football players, stroking their balls as they pumped their cocks for a few moments, before they both came, shooting their loads all over my face and chest.
"Now can I go to my own locker room, guys?"
They laughed and wished me a great birthday as I picked up my clothes and snuck back to the women's locker room for a shower.
3:00 pm
In spite of my day full of sexual awakening, there was something completely different which I was very much looking forward to on this day: registering to vote. I had always been eager to take advantage of this right of passage into adulthood, but it was especially cool that this year was a presidential election year, with my birthday falling just in time before voter registration deadlines before the election.
I could have registered at school during one of the registration drives, but I decided to drive downtown and make it ultra official by registering at the courthouse. I checked my bag to confirm that even the blow job experience with Jonathan hadn't stopped me from remembering the multiple pieces of ID that were required by our state's new voter ID laws. Good thing, I didn't want anything standing in my way as I performed this important civic duty.
As I drove, I took two phone calls, one from each of my parents, checking in to see if I'd had a good birthday so far and asking whether I’d be coming home before the game. It was just as I was hanging up the second call that I became aware of the siren. Uh oh, that cop was right behind me. Yup, no doubt, it was me he was pulling over. I put on my turn signal and pulled onto the first side street that was safe.
"What did I do, officer?" I said, smiling up at him as I rolled down my window.
"License and registration, please," he said firmly, without a hint of warmth in his voice.
I handed them over, then awaited the verdict. I still wasn't sure what I'd done wrong. I'm a really safe driver, and had never been pulled over before, so I didn't know what to expect.
"So, I see it's your birthday, and you're what... eighteen?"
I don't know if it was the theme of my day or the fact that it took the guy way too long to calculate my age - making me think I could outsmart him - but I quickly hatched a plan to attempt to escape punishment for whatever it was I'd done.
"That's right, officer," I said, while spreading my legs just enough to give him a view of my panties beneath my oh-so-short cheerleader skirt. "And I'm trying to get registered to vote before getting home in time for my birthday party with family. I'm awfully sorry if maybe I was going a little too fast?"
"Well, yes, you were, plus you ran a stop sign, and you were talking on the phone while driving. That's several infractions, I really should give you a ticket."
"Maybe we could work something out in the back of your cruiser?" I looked up at him with a big grin, my hand cupping my breast as I batted my eyelashes over my big blue eyes.
His eyes grew big and looked deep into mine as he considered my suggestion. “That’s not a very modest proposal, young lady.”
I smiled, deciding to say nothing more as he continued watching me, thinking about his next move.
"Well, OK, but I'll have to slap the cuffs on you to make it look realistic, in case any of the fine citizens of this neighborhood are watching."
"Fine by me!"
I got out of my car, intertwined my fingers behind my head as he put the handcuffs on my wrists, and then he led me to his car, helping me to the back seat. He walked around to the other side and got in next to me, undoing his belt and unzipping his pants almost as soon as he sat down. As soon as his cock was free, I bent over and took it into my mouth, bobbing up and down as quickly as I could.
Several competing thoughts filled my head simultaneously: I was suddenly aware of how incredibly sore and raw I was from my encounter with Ray and Mark; I was amazed at this new-found discovery, that it was possible to use sex to get what I wanted; I was actually enjoying the feeling of being restrained, and the cold steel against my skin; and I hoped this cop would cum soon so I'd still have time to get back to the courthouse.
Almost as soon as I'd had that last thought, the cop jerked beneath me, and I swallowed every last drop of his cum. He released me from the cuffs, then said, "now, how about a little help with that voter registration? I certainly don’t want to keep an eager young lady away from her civic duty."
I smiled, not exactly sure what he meant. I got out of the cruiser and back into my car, and then watched in amazement as he actually proceeded to give me a formal escort to the courthouse, using his corrupt coply ways to get me to the front of the line so that I would indeed still make it to my party on time. I gave him a wink, and he returned one of his own, as we parted ways. He left, well, satisfied. I left with a smile, proud that my voter registration card would arrive in the mail in plenty of time for me to cast my vote in November.
7:30 pm
The game was a fairly uneventful one, so I’ll spare you a full recap, except to say that our Bulldogs did win, 24-21, with Ray scoring the winning touchdown with a great pass in the final two minutes. Needless to say, everyone on our side of the field - players, coaches, my cheerleaders - was very happy.
It was a nice segue from the celebrations on the field to the party that my two best friends - and fellow cheerleaders - threw for me. Amber and Jessica and I piled into Amber’s car and drove the short distance to Jessica’s house, where her parents were conveniently out of town for the weekend, so we’d have the whole place to ourselves.
We grabbed sodas and chips from the kitchen, then made our way upstairs to Jessica’s room. As soon as we got there, I realized what would be coming my way: my birthday spankings. Amber had first introduced me to the concept when I turned twelve, and in the years since, she'd not let a single year go by without the birthday spankings. Apparently it was a tradition in her family: each person at the party got to spank you once for each year of age. So, tonight, I'd be getting eighteen from Amber and another eighteen from Jessica.
They had both turned eighteen over the summer, so we'd been through this all very recently, but somehow it felt different to me this time, undoubtedly because of all of the experiences I'd had that day. After all, the memories and the physical sensations were all still so fresh. Jonathan's kiss, his cock, his cum. Mr. Swift's fingers and tongue inside of me. The ride on Mr. Golding’s cock right after class. Mark and, oh god, I just remembered what a crush Jessica had on Ray. And of course the cop. I blushed now, just thinking of all of it.
"Hold on, Amber. Let me get out of this uniform. It's been a long day."
"In that case, Kylie, why don't you open your first present!"
Amber tossed me a package, and I eagerly ripped it open. Inside was a bra and matching thong panties, blue satin with lace trim. I had never held lingerie like this in my hands, much less thought of putting it on. My mom had always taken me to the mall to buy basic staples: white cotton bra, white cotton panties, sports bras for cheering, that was it.
"Go ahead, Kylie!"
With Amber's encouragement, I removed the rest of what I had been wearing, and put on the new lingerie. I looked at myself in the mirror, and confirmed what my friends were saying as they watched me: I looked hot. For the first time, I saw what all the men I'd done today had seen. Wow. My intention had been to change into the t-shirt and jeans I had in my bag, but I decided just to remain in the bra and panties.
"Wow, thanks, Amber! OK, now I'm ready for my spankings." I put my hands on Jessica’s bed and playfully stuck my ass out into the room, spreading my legs slightly.
Laughing, both girls took their turn with gentle swats. First, Amber, then Jessica. At first, I laughed cheerfully, but gradually, I started to enjoy the spankings more than I expected to. Instead of a playful childhood tradition, this was becoming yet another physical encounter that brought about feelings of warmth and wetness between my legs. About half-way through the spankings after a particularly firm slap from Amber, I let myself go, moaning and pushing back against her hand with my ass.
When I realized what I had done, I was embarrassed, but as I turned to look at Amber, I saw that rather than looking shocked, she was smiling mischievously at me. She and Jessica proceeded with the spankings, slower, more deliberately, and harder now, and I continued to let myself express my true feelings.
When the thirty-sixth spanking finally came and went, my ass stinging in pain, I stood up, turned around, and let myself fall back onto Jessica’s bed. My friends looked at each other, and, as if they were making some secret decision, nodded. “Go ahead, Jessica,” Amber said.
“What?” I asked.
“It’s time for my present!” Jessica replied enthusiastically. I eagerly took it from her, unwrapping it as I sat down on the bed. After removing the wrapping paper, I stared at the box in disbelief, only to find when I opened it that the object inside looked exactly like the picture on the outside. It was an eight-inch vibrating dildo, according to the package. Before today, I would have had no idea what to do with such an object. After today, it was all too obvious.
“Do you know what to do with it?” Amber teased.
“Yeah, I sure do...”
My friends laughed, then Jessica chimed in, “well, don’t feel obligated to use it right away, but believe me, you’ll enjoy it.”
I looked up at them, smiled, and took each of them by the hand, pulling them down onto the bed with me. Amber picked up a pillow and hit me playfully with it, and soon Jessica and I were both in the mix with her, standing up and jumping on the bed as we pretended to hit each other hard with what of course were very soft objects. After a few minutes of this, we all collapsed, out of breath and giggling, into a heap on the bed. It certainly wasn’t the first time we’d goofed around like this together, but it was definitely the first time it had felt sexually charged.
Jessica finally broke the silence after we all caught our breath. “So, Kylie, have you had a good birthday so far?”
“Definitely! Turning eighteen has been amazing, more than I ever would have imagined.”
“Good! Do you want your last present now?”
“Um, sure!”
Amber put her hands on the waist of my panties and quickly pulled them down and off, tossing them to the floor. At the same time, Jessica reached a hand under my back and unhooked my bra, pulling it off as well. I was now naked, laying on my back on the bed, with two gorgeous cheerleaders still in uniform, one on either side of me. I had never thought of my friends as anything other than, well, my friends - and of course my teammates. But now I could see a similar ‘hotness’ that all those men had seen in me today.
Amber was a brunette with gorgeous green eyes, and still had a beautiful summer tan from her lengthy hours spent at the beach. She was quite petite - which was why we’d always chosen her for the top of the pyramid! Jessica, the redhead, was more curvy, with breasts bigger than mine, a gorgeous round ass, and long legs on her 5’9” frame.
They both started touching me now, Jessica starting on my tits and Amber around my inner thighs, massaging, tickling, stroking. It wasn’t long before I was writhing in pleasure from all the attention. Amber picked up the dildo, twisted the base of it so that it began vibrating, and began teasing me with it, touching it briefly to the area between my legs, then pulling it away just as I responded.
“Do you like that on your clit, Kylie, or would you rather I shove it into your tight little pussy?”
Two new words, hmm, was my vocabulary ever going to be complete? I didn’t need her to define them, though, it was obvious what they meant.
“Ooh, Amber, I like it on my clit! My pussy is sore, though.”
“Oh, really? So you really have had a good day, huh!”
I just giggled in response, as she pulled the vibrator away and I watched as she quickly stripped. Once she was naked, she climbed on top of me and began rubbing her own clit against mine. Watching this, Jessica stopped massaging my tits and stripped as well, so that we were all now naked on the bed.
“Sounds like you’ve had a lot of encounters today, Kylie,” Jessica said, “but I doubt you’ve had the chance to taste another woman yet?”
“Oh, Jessica, can I? Would you let me lick you? Someone” - I figured I’d let him remain nameless - “licked me this morning and I loved it!”
“Of course, Kylie! What are friends for?”
She put a pillow under my head and straddled me, slowly lowering herself down over my face, until I could reach her with my tongue. I began licking her slowly back and forth across her pussy and to her clit, up and down until finally my tongue pushed inside of her and I could taste her juices, not quite the same flavor as a man’s cum, but equally yummy.
This whole time, Amber continued to grind against me, and the sensations were incredible. If the experience of tasting another woman weren’t so overwhelmingly new and different, just Amber’s touch would have occupied my full attention. But most of my fascination was directed towards Jessica’s pussy. I realized that my hands were free, and so began using them as well, probing her with my fingers and my tongue simultaneously now as she began to moan with pleasure above me.
Perhaps taking my lead, she also put her hands to use, once again massaging my tits, now even squeezing my nipples firmly as she did so. It was at this moment that my climax began, and I could feel that the same thing was happening for my friends. Just as my own pussy clenched and began dripping with juices, Jessica cried out, her cum trickling down my chin as I tried my best to drink it all from her hot pussy. Amber let her weight fall against mine as she came as well, and we once again all collapsed to the bed, just as we had after our innocent-seeming pillow fight.
After resting there for a few moments, I kissed both my friends, telling them that I should probably get home before I fell asleep right there from pure exhaustion - my parents would, presumably, worry if I never came home that night. I got dressed, choosing the new, sexy lingerie over my cum-soaked white cotton panties, and my t-shirt and jeans over the cheerleader uniform that I’d spent the whole day in, and Amber threw on some clothes decent enough to get to her car and drive me home.
9:45 pm
After waving goodnight to Amber, I started up the walk to my house, amazed that I was still turned on after all of my experiences. Do these feelings never stop, I wondered to myself? Just as I was having that thought, and just before getting to my front door, I heard Jonathan’s voice through the darkness. He was whispering to me from his bedroom window, trying to get my attention without disturbing either of our households.
I waved to him and ran across the lawn between our houses, until I was standing below his window, looking directly up at him, one story up.
“How was your day, Kylie? Did you have a good birthday?”
“You’d never believe what a good birthday I had, Jonathan. Let’s just say I’m quite a bit more experienced than I was this morning.”
“Ah, good for you. Glad you had fun! Want to come up?”
I glanced back at my house, and not seeing any activity such as a peering mother or father pointing at his watch, I smiled and nodded. I ran to the front door, where he met me a few seconds later, letting me in. I waved to his parents, who were watching TV, and obviously thought nothing of my visit so late in the evening - that’s how normal it was for Jonathan and I to spend time together. We ran up the stairs and into his room, where he pulled me into an intense embrace as soon as he closed the door behind us.
“So, I really want to cum again, but my pussy is so sore and raw.”
“Oh, really, Kylie? Anything else you’d like to share?”
“Oh my god, did I say that out loud? Yikes, Jonathan, I’m so embarrassed.”
“It’s OK, Kylie, really, don’t worry about it! Haven’t we always shared pretty much everything?”
“Well, yeah, but...”
“Plus, I have an idea.”
“Absolutely. I know of a way that you - and I - can cum without exhausting your tired little pussy any more today.”
“I’m listening.”
“It might be better if I just show you.”
“OK, Jonathan, I trust you.”
We moved towards his bed, removing each other’s clothes and tossing them to the floor as we walked. I sat down on the edge of the bed, and he spread my legs and knelt in front of me. His tongue quickly found my clit and began gently licking, and I let myself fall back against the bed in a combination of pleasure and exhaustion from the day. He licked me for a few minutes more, always so gently that I never moved too close to a climax, before standing up and walking over to his dresser.
I propped myself up on my elbows to watch as he opened the top drawer, rummaged around under socks and boxers, and pulled out a small bottle. I was overwhelmed with curiosity as he walked back towards me, motioned for me to put my hands out, and proceeded to squeeze several drops of cool gel from the bottle onto my hands. I took a guess, which turned out to be the right one, as to what he wanted me to do next. I climbed off the bed and onto my knees in front of him, and began stroking his already-hardening cock with my slick fingers.
I had never felt a substance exactly like what he had put on my hands, but it was clearly an excellent lubricant, as my hands glided smoothly back and forth on his throbbing cock. I knew he probably didn’t want me to bring him to climax this way, as he had said that he had a plan to make us both cum, so I looked up at him quizzically as I stroked him. He smiled, letting me continue for a few minutes more, before finally reaching down to gently stop my motions and move us to a new position.
“Now,” he said suggestively, “let’s see how flexible this cheerleader is!”
I grinned up at him as he positioned me on my back on the floor, then grabbed my legs by the ankles and pulled them up and back to my head, so that my knees were on either side of my face. This position put my ass in the air and gave him a clear view of my aching, dripping wet pussy. I still had no idea what he had in mind for his next move.
“Excellent,” he exclaimed, obviously pleased with my level of flexibility. All those hours of practice obviously had some purpose beyond cheerleading, I thought to myself. He then held up the bottle again, turned it upside down, and squeezed, and I watched as the cool gel dropped the few feet between his outstretched arm and my exposed pussy, squealing in delight as it hit my warm skin. He kept squeezing, longer than I thought he would, covering my pussy, my clit, and my ass in the lubricant. He then tossed the bottle aside and bent down, using both hands to spread the lubricant all over my skin, pausing briefly to stroke my clit and pussy lips, but focusing mostly on the area around my asshole.
I wasn’t used to attention on this part of my body, and found the sensations to be more exciting than I would ever have thought. I began squirming beneath his touch, eagerly grinding myself against his hands, and he smiled in response to my obvious pleasure. He began pressing a finger into my asshole, and while my first response was to resist, I soon became aware of the tight feeling of pleasure, and the sensations that radiated into my pussy from that contact, and I let him continue. He probed further now, pressing at least a few inches of his middle finger inside my tight virgin asshole, and then moving it in and out for a few moments.
When he pulled his finger out, I groaned in disappointment, and he laughed, whispering, “don’t worry, Kylie, there’s more where that came from.” He then shifted his feet so that he was straddling me, bent his knees slightly, and brought the tip of his cock into contact with my asshole. He used his hands to spread my ass cheeks apart, giving him more access, until the tip of his lubricated cock gradually slipped inside my asshole.
I brought my hands to my hips to support myself in this position, and to help arch my back to give him better access, as he slowly pressed himself into me. I whimpered and panted, expressing a combination of pain and intense desire, as more and more of his length disappeared inside of me. After a few minutes of slow, intense pressure, Jonathan’s cock was completely buried in my ass. I was in disbelief that such a thing was even possible, but didn’t have much energy to ponder that any longer, as he soon began moving in and out of me.
His hands shifted from my ass cheeks to my clit and pussy, and began furiously rubbing my clit, and gently stroking the outside of my pussy, seeming to respect the soreness of the inside of my pussy, spent from so much sex earlier in the day. I wouldn’t last long under all this attention, so I decided to try to distract myself in an attempt to prolong the pleasure. Leaving one hand on the small of my back to support myself, I reached up with my other hand and fondled his balls as he pounded in and out of me.
Jonathan seemed to appreciate the attention, and after a few more minutes, I knew he wouldn’t last much longer either. I don’t know what came over me, maybe it was fatigue, but I decided to talk to him as he reached his climax, urging him on with words I had never dreamed would come out of my own mouth. I’m not even sure where I found such a vocabulary.
“That’s right, Jonathan. Fuck that ass. Fuck my tight little asshole. Are you going to cum for me? Are you going to cum all over my tight little ass and my naughty little pussy? Do you know how many cocks I’ve had today? I’ve been fucked so raw, and you started it all with your big, hard cock. That’s it, cum for me, yes, yes, yessssssssss!”
I had to stop talking as my own climax overwhelmed me, and soon after I did, he pulled out of me, and began shooting his cum all over me, some landing on my ass and around my clit and pussy, some dripping down my torso to my tits, some landing on my face. I was amazed at the quantity, especially since I knew he had cum just that morning!
After we had both recovered and I was back on my feet, Jonathan spoke again. “Wow, Kylie, I’ve never heard such filthy language come out of that beautiful mouth of yours.”
I giggled, responding, “Yeah, I didn’t know I was capable of talking like such a slut! It’s been quite a day, though....”
He laughed, and I quickly got dressed and made my way out of his house and back to mine. As I drifted off to sleep a few minutes later, there was just one thought left in my head: what a senior year this was going to be!